Learning HTML…

Ok, so the more I mess around with the website I have for my girls, as well as this blog, the more I want to learn HTML. My creativity feels stifled by click and drag. My question to anyone reading is, what’s the best way to learn? Am I better off signing up at my local community college? Is there an on-line learning venue that’s recommended or is there a book that will teach me all I need to know? Please, educate me!

” Life is not about how fast you run, or how high you climb, but how well you bounce.”

I have a “favorite quotes” file stuffed in my computer and whenever I happen across a quote that makes sense to me (because, let’s face it, quotes are meaningless unless you can relate to what they’re saying) I add it to the file. I thought I would share a recent find. The author is unknown to me but if you happen to know who said it, let me know.  

A Blog?

Yep, a blog. I’m always telling myself that I need to keep a journal so that some day my girls will have a record of their childhood from their mom’s perspective. Of course I suppose that someday they could also use it as evidence to have me put away. I’ll take the risk.

I do own a journal, the problem is I neglect to actually use it. I simply prefer typing to handwriting. With that said, I decided blogging was the solution to my dilemma.

So, with no further ado, let the blogging begin.